I can not believe Morgan is about to be 4 in a week! Seems like just yesterday when I found out I was pregnant. Tonight, Dusty asked her what she really wanted for her birthday, to which she replied "An iPhone!". She us starting out early! I really think she would love an iPod touch. I would live to find her a used one! She knows how to use my iPhone as well as I do & there are so many learning apps that she loves to play!
Tonight when I was tucking her in after we said our prayers, she told God that she "couldn't wait for her birthday to arrive!" It was so sweet! Her vocabulary constantly amazes me! Her new favorite word is "actually" and she actually uses it correctly!
-- Post From My iPhone
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Now I lay me down to sleep....
As Morgan and I were laying in her bed saying our prayers tonight, I was reminded how the little things in life mean so much. In our prayers, we always begin by thanking God for all the many blessings that He has given us. After going through our regular blessings like our family, friends, food, & shelter, Morgan thanked God for the dog that lives next door to my parents. Her saying this just filled my heart, especially since this is a just random dog whose name we don't even know! I am truly blessed to have such a thoughtful & thankful little girl that God has given me to treasure & love!
-- Post From My iPhone
-- Post From My iPhone
Monday, July 06, 2009
Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a daddy!
Morgan just asked her daddy if he could build her a TV tomorrow at work! She was telling us why she needed a television in her room! This reminds me of how when we are little we think our dads are invincible! They can do anything & everything! Our real heroes!
-- Post From My iPhone
-- Post From My iPhone
Monday, June 15, 2009
Vacation Bible School
Morgan started VBS at church tonight. Luckily, her friend from Nursery, Audrey was in her class along with Maddie. Tonight, they made pillows from t-shirts. I haven't seen hers yet. She will bring it home on the last night, Friday.
Yesterday, Grandfather asked Morgan who her teacher was going to be in Vacation Bible School....to which Morgan replied "Jesus."
-- Post From My iPhone
Yesterday, Grandfather asked Morgan who her teacher was going to be in Vacation Bible School....to which Morgan replied "Jesus."
-- Post From My iPhone
Friday, June 12, 2009
What a good reader....
Today, we were watching KATV when it was interrupted by Ned Perme with Severe Weather Information. While he was talking and showing Storm Tracker, he showed the list of the towns in the line of the storm along with times. One of the towns was "Old Neery." Immediately after seeing that on TV, Morgan said Old Navy. She had recognized the word "Old" and noticed the next word started with an "N" and said "Navy." I'm so excited to have such an awesome reader....she is already using some of the strategies I teach in the 2nd grade!
-- Post From My iPhone
-- Post From My iPhone
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Surprising Wake Up Call
This lovely Saturday morning, Dusty & I were awakened bright & early by his cell phone ringing. He didn't answer it first and looked at missed calls and he thought he was seeing things. Then it rang again and he said "You are calling me! Who has your phone?" Of course, he thought I had lost my phone. So I then answer his phone to hear "Good Morning Mom!" Morgan was sitting here on the couch in the living room watching TV! Apparently she had walked into our room this morning and got my phone off the nightstand. What a wake up call that was!!
-- Post From My iPhone
-- Post From My iPhone
Friday, May 15, 2009
Welcome Home, Granna!
As I speak, we are headed to the airport to pick up my mom, Morgan's Granna. She has been in Okinawa, Japan for the past five months! Fortunately, we have been able to talk & "see" her regularly via Skype. The marvels of modern technology!
After school, I got some balloons & chocolate cake balls to surprise Mom with at the airport! We are going to eat at El Chico's with Martha once her plane arrives. Pics will be posted soon!
-- Post From My iPhone
After school, I got some balloons & chocolate cake balls to surprise Mom with at the airport! We are going to eat at El Chico's with Martha once her plane arrives. Pics will be posted soon!
-- Post From My iPhone
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Sponge Brain
I just picked Morgan up from Grandfather's. We passed a charcoal gray Chevy truck that looked like Grandfather's. Morgan said "That looks like Grandfather's truck...except it isn't because it doesn't have a Maltese cross." I just had to laugh! It constantly amazes me what she learns & remembers, just like a sponge she soaks up everything!
-- Post From My iPhone
-- Post From My iPhone
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!
This morning for Mother's Day, we woke up in our hotel room and watched some toons together. Then, Morgan & I talked to Granna on skype to wish her Happy Mother's Day! This was all before 8:00....because that's when the pool opened! After a late swim last night with a bunch of rowdy boys jumping around and splashing us in a small 4 ft pool, we decided we would try early in the morning! So at 8, we went downstairs for a calm, relaxing swim. It was great....for a little while, we were the only people there! Morgan did great swimming!
Then, we went to Steak & Shake.....one of my faves! Dusty & I used to eat there all the time in Jonesboro since it was right next to campus and across the street from Dusty's apartment! Because there are no Steak & Shake's close to LR, it is always my pick! Here is Morgan in her Steal & Shake attire!

Finally before heading back to LR, we shopped at the Promenade at Pinnacle Hills. We got Morgan a new Hogs t-shirt, a HSM pajama set for her doggy at Build-a-Bear, & I caught a good sale at Nine West & got a new purse!
Now we are on the road headed to NLR to meet Pibby, Dusty's mom for dinner! All in all, we had a great weekend visiting Jonathan & spending time together, just the three of us! I am truly blessed to have such an amazing family that I love dearly! Happy Mother's Day!
-- Post From My iPhone
Then, we went to Steak & Shake.....one of my faves! Dusty & I used to eat there all the time in Jonesboro since it was right next to campus and across the street from Dusty's apartment! Because there are no Steak & Shake's close to LR, it is always my pick! Here is Morgan in her Steal & Shake attire!
Finally before heading back to LR, we shopped at the Promenade at Pinnacle Hills. We got Morgan a new Hogs t-shirt, a HSM pajama set for her doggy at Build-a-Bear, & I caught a good sale at Nine West & got a new purse!
Now we are on the road headed to NLR to meet Pibby, Dusty's mom for dinner! All in all, we had a great weekend visiting Jonathan & spending time together, just the three of us! I am truly blessed to have such an amazing family that I love dearly! Happy Mother's Day!
-- Post From My iPhone
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Playtime Pizza
On Saturday night, we went to Playtime Pizza with Aunt Leslie, Robby, and Madison, Robby's daughter. Morgan loved meeting Madison who is just a month older than her. We ate lots of pizza and salad. After blacklight mini golf, we played games, rode a couple rides, and stacked big foam blocks. I know that this was just the beginning of all of the fun the six of us will have together!

Romine's Chuck E. Cheese Fundraiser
Last Thursday, my school, Romine Elementary, had a fundraiser at Chuck E. Cheese. Our family went to support the school and have lots of fun! We met up with our friends & fellow teachers, Ms. Holly and her daughter, Presley and Ms. Courtney and her little girl, McKenna. After eating pizza and visiting with our friends and students, we played lots of fun games and collect bunches of tickets.
The Better Driver?
This week, we were headed to Target. Dusty was driving and he went a different (LONGER) way to get right up the road. Morgan asked him "Where are we going? I thought we were going to Target!" I told Morgan that we were going to Target, but Daddy just takes the longest way possible. And of course, Dusty has to make a comment on who was the better driver. To me, he asked "How many wrecks have I been in? And how many wrecks have you been in?" Morgan replied "Four thousand!" Dusty, of course, got a big kick of that!
Thursday, March 05, 2009
On March 1, we went to Fayetteville for the Razorback basketball game against Georgia. At the game, they had a tribute to the 1994 Championship team. We didn't wait in the long lines to get autographs, but we did take several pictures of Nolan and Corliss. Morgan got a hog painted on her hand this year. She wanted it on her hand so that she could see it....of course, that meant it didn't last near as long as she would have liked it to. It was a great game, and the Hogs pulled out a win!
Also, how funny is it that after the game we stopped at a gas station just outside of Fayetteville and bumped into two of my teacher friends from school, Ms. King (who just retired) and Ms. Rose (a retired teacher who helps out in the school library part time)! They had decided to go to the game that morning on their way back home from Kansas.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole." --Roger Caras
Our dog, Sugar, passed away on Thursday. Grandfather woke up to find her in her bed. She peacefully went to sleep and didn't wake up. Sugar had a good life. She was over 15 years old and could no longer hear. She was not just my parents' dog, she was also ours. Sugar moved with me to Jonesboro and lived with us there until I graduated from college. She moved with us from Jonesboro to our first house. She was there when I got my first grown-up job. She then moved with us to our home. She was with us during many, many storms and because of her being afraid, actually clawed up our current bathroom door during one of them. She was with us when we found out we were pregnant. She was even there were Morgan came home from the hospital. We will truly miss you, Sugar!
We were very sad to hear the news. But, we know that she is in a much better place. Morgan had a difficult time and cried off and on after I told her. I just held her and we cried together. We prayed for her which really made us both start bawling! Morgan seems to understand that Sugar is in a better place where she has more energy and can hear the birds chirping! She knows that Sugar is with Jesus and they are having lots of fun in heaven!
Below is a picture that Grandfather took of Morgan and Sugar just last week! What an amazing gift! It was taken on his phone so it isn't the best quality, but it will be treasured!
We were very sad to hear the news. But, we know that she is in a much better place. Morgan had a difficult time and cried off and on after I told her. I just held her and we cried together. We prayed for her which really made us both start bawling! Morgan seems to understand that Sugar is in a better place where she has more energy and can hear the birds chirping! She knows that Sugar is with Jesus and they are having lots of fun in heaven!
Below is a picture that Grandfather took of Morgan and Sugar just last week! What an amazing gift! It was taken on his phone so it isn't the best quality, but it will be treasured!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
"Everybody was kung fu fighting....fast as lightin'!"
Ever since she saw Kung Fu Panda, Morgan has wanted to learn how to kung fu fight! She & Grandfather have lots of fun playing kung fu! So, on Wednesday, she started taking karate to learn some moves. She has been twice and loves it! We will try it for a month and see how it goes! I think she is so precious is her karate gi (uniform)! What do you think? 

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Happy Birthday to Jonas (Morgan's imaginary friend)!!!
I will start this message by explaining that Morgan's first imaginary friend was named Jackson from Hannah Montana. She and Jackson did everything together for over 6 months. But, not too long ago Jackson went back to his house, to be replaced by Jonas named after the Jonas Brothers.
Yesterday, Grandfather picked Morgan up in the morning. They had to go Target to pick up Granna's medicine to mail to her. While they were waiting for the prescription to be filled, she and Grandfather browsed around Target. Morgan saw the party supplies and told Grandfather "Today is Jonas' birthday!" She wanted to get party cups and plates for Jonas' birthday party! Grandfather told her no. But, to appease her, she ended up getting Jonas' a present of stickers! That afternoon, she and Grandfather wrapped a couple of presents for Jonas.
Last night when we got home, Morgan and I used her Easy Bake Oven to bake some brownies for Jonas to celebrate his birthday!
Yesterday, Grandfather picked Morgan up in the morning. They had to go Target to pick up Granna's medicine to mail to her. While they were waiting for the prescription to be filled, she and Grandfather browsed around Target. Morgan saw the party supplies and told Grandfather "Today is Jonas' birthday!" She wanted to get party cups and plates for Jonas' birthday party! Grandfather told her no. But, to appease her, she ended up getting Jonas' a present of stickers! That afternoon, she and Grandfather wrapped a couple of presents for Jonas.
Last night when we got home, Morgan and I used her Easy Bake Oven to bake some brownies for Jonas to celebrate his birthday!
On Tuesday at school, Morgan told her teacher, Mrs. Megan that her cousins, William and Caroline were twins. And that she and her cousin, Maddie, were twins! Of course, Mrs. Megan knew that Morgan wasn't a twin, so when Nana picked Morgan up at school, Mrs. Megan asked her if William and Caroline were twins. Of course, she laughed and said they weren't. As they drove home and passed Mary's house, Nana told Morgan "Mary and Sherry are twins." To which Morgan disagreed and said "No they aren't." After Nana explained what twins are, she told Morgan that "Mary and Sherry were born on the same day and look the same. Why do you think they aren't twins?" And Morgan said "They aren't twins, because they don't live together."
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Inviting Herself!
Yesterday, Morgan stayed with Aunt Nana. Caroline had a doctor's appointment, so Morgan & Aunt Nana took her and were hanging out in the waiting room. There was another lady in the waiting room that Morgan took a liking to. Morgan was wearing a shirt with a cat on it. The lady said "You must really like cats. I am more of a dog person." Morgan replies "I like dogs too! I also like chicken nuggets, corn dogs, Spiderman,.......guacamole." The lady stopped her and said "Really? I make the best guacamole in the world." To which Morgan replied, "Well, I guess we'll be coming over to your house then!"
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Finally -- MISSION accomplished!
Hopefully, Morgan will be feeling better soon! She woke up at 12:30 crying for me! I brought her to our bed where she immediately fell back asleep. At 2 a.m., I woke up and realized that Morgan was really hot! Not just her head, her whole body was burning up! Because our power was out due to the ice on the trees, I scrambled around to find a flashlight and found the thermometer, Tylenol and Motrin. She seemed to feel fine! Her temperature was 102.4. We gave her some Tylenol and then went back to sleep. After we woke up this morning, her temperature was back up to 100.4. So, she got some Motrin, while I called in sick to school and left a message for the nurse at Dr. Rhodes office. Both of us went back to sleep as Dad was getting ready for work. We awoke to the nurse's call. She told me to just watch Morgan and make sure she got enough fluids. She thought it could be a UTI and to just see if she had any accidents today. I then realized that she did have an accident at grandfather's yesterday and one the day before here at home. We thought it was strange because she always makes it to the potty. So, after getting to the doctor's office, we only got one drop of urine in the cup, not near enough. Well, one juice box and five books later....mission accomplished! So, we are just taking it easy hanging out around the house, about to watch Beethoven's 3rd!
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Morgan's Quotes
I got this idea from my friend, Lindsey's blog: The Cobb's. I added a list of Morgan's quotes. What an awesome way to remember the hilarious things Morgan says every day! She keeps me laughing all the time!
Friday, January 02, 2009
Granna's Konichiwa Party
In case you didn't know, my Granna is going to Okinawa, Japan! It is pretty far away...about as far as Branson. And that's pretty far away! To send her off, we had a Konichiwa party for her. It was so much fun!
I ended up getting to song two songs in the microphone....I sang Burnin' Up & Lovebug, both by the Jonas Brothers (my fave)! In the middle of the party, I drug a blanket to the middle of the dance floor because I did not want to miss a thing! That didn't last long, after my short rest, I was back to dance. Mom said I was break dancing because I was dancing all over the floor on my hands and knees, jumping around. It was hilarious! --Morgan
I ended up getting to song two songs in the microphone....I sang Burnin' Up & Lovebug, both by the Jonas Brothers (my fave)! In the middle of the party, I drug a blanket to the middle of the dance floor because I did not want to miss a thing! That didn't last long, after my short rest, I was back to dance. Mom said I was break dancing because I was dancing all over the floor on my hands and knees, jumping around. It was hilarious! --Morgan
Merry Christmas!
This year, Morgan told Santa that she wanted a stuffed Sully from Monsters, Inc. and an Easy Bake Oven. The following pictures were taken at a few of the many Christmas happenings we have each year!
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