Sunday, August 13, 2006

Happy Birthday to ME!!!!!

Well, Friday was my 1st birthday! We had a party that night! I had SO much fun! Lots of people came, and it was good to see everyone again!

I really didn't eat much of my cake or ice cream. I am not really a sweets kind of girl! I did however have some cantaloupe. And it was delicious! My mom made my birthday cake. It was Funfetti with cream cheese icing. She loves Funfetti cake! We also had a chocolate cake as well.

I really loved opening my presents. Mom helped me, of course!

Heather's 1st Birthday Party

The Saturday before last, my Granna, mom, and I went to my friend, Heather's 1st birthday party! My mom and Christy (Heather's mom) were pregnant at the same time last year. The party was fun. I got to swim with Heather and Michelle (Heather's sister), and my cousin, William.

Stuart Little

Last Saturday, we went to watch the play, Stuart Little. My cousin, Caroline, did an excellent job playing Stuart Little! I surprised my mom, because I was SO good during the play. I did cry once when the yipping dog that was chasing Stuart barked and scared me. But, after my Aunt Nana walked me to the back of the theatre I was fine.

Following the play, I got to get on stage! I danced around a little with my cousin, William. We had fun! I am going to be in a play someday like my cousin, Caroline!

We taped the play and I love watching it on the television. I could watch it over and over again....and I definitely have!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Our Little Dolphin!

Morgan absolutely loves the pool! Grandfather has been working with her to teach her to swim! She is doing so good! She holds her breath really well when she goes under water! I can already see it now, next summer, she will probably live in the pool!